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If kafir or Muslim says word of kufr (Jesus Christ, holy ....) am I accountable for it Assimalhakeem
If someone listens to songs that contain shirk or kufr will he be a kafir? | AssimAlHakeem -JAL
Does saying "Oh My God" or OMG take a person out of the fold of Islam? - Assim al hakeem
If Muslim commits kufr & wants to revert, must he say shahadah publicly or privately assim al hakeem
Do things people say against Islam when angry make them kafir? - Assim al hakeem
Held at gunpoint 2 utter words of kufr, suicide if he doesn’t utter or is he martyr? Assim al hakeem
Does major sins, kufr, shirk out of ignorance take a person out of the fold of Islam assim al hakeem
Kufr thoughts: changing verses of Quran or names of Allah into bad words in my language, am I sinful
My friends may joke with saying something kufr Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem #fatwa #islamqa #HUDATV
Do they have any excuse for singing songs contains kufr words with ignorant Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
🆕 Accidentally wrote a cross symbol instead of + & a kafir read it, am I a kafir? assim al hakeem
Are we accountable for kufr thoughts? What if we smile when thinking it? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem